Revival Time

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matthew 24:24

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Archive for the ‘Kundalini’ Category

Revival Spirits from Eastern Religions

Posted by susanb99 on July 27, 2008

From Unleavened Bread Ministries

Hinduism’s Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga adherents are recognizing the manifestations of Toronto/Brownsville/Lakeland “Revivals” as those of the Kundalini serpent rising through the chakras to the mind in these people.  This is none other than possession by the New Age Eastern spirits.  Bible respecters know that these manifestations are not the experiences or demonstrations of our spiritual forefathers.  In the chart below the “Revival” manifestations on the left are taken from observations and testimonies of the false revivals. The Kundalini Yoga manifestations on the right are taken directly from a Kundalini website and and



Kundalini Yoga

Uncontrollable laughter Laughing and weeping are as unintentional and uncontrollable as hiccoughs
Jerking, tremors, shaking Jerking, tremors, shaking
Involuntary body movements Postures or moving one’s body in unusual ways
Spontaneous trance states Spontaneous trance states
Making animal noises, roaring, barking, mooing Spontaneous vocalizations
Muscle twitches or spasms Muscle twitches or spasms
Guidance through inner voice falsely thought to be God.  False visions and dreams Guidance through inner voices, visions, dreams
Being “drunk in the spirit” Mental confusion, difficulty concentrating
Feeling rushes, heat, electricity Energy rushes, electricity circulating in the body
Many fleshly sensations Vibrating, tingling sensations
Supernatural smelling of scents Experiencing the smell of flowers, incense
Out-of-body experiences Out-of-body experiences
How one receives this “blessing”
Impartation through the laying on of hands
How one receives Kundalini Awakening
Through the laying on of hands during  “Shakti-pat” initiation
Who can administer this “blessing”?
Anyone who has received the false anointing
Who can give Shakti-pat?
Anyone who has received the ability from the Guru or one of his disciples

These Kundalini spirits and other spirits of eastern religions have sought to enter many revivals.  In some cases the discernment of the leaders saved them. Jessie Penn-Lewis gives a report of this spirit in the
Wales revival:


“The counterfeit of the Presence of God is mainly felt upon the body, and by the physical senses, in conscious ‘fire,’ ‘thrills,’ etc. The counterfeit of the ‘Presence’ in the atmosphere is felt by the senses of the body, as ‘breath,’ ‘wind,’ etc., whilst the mind is passive or inactive. The person affected by this counterfeit will be moved almost automatically to actions he would not perform of his own will, and with all his faculties in operation. He may not even remember what he has done under the ‘power’ of this ‘presence.'” Jessie-Penn Lewis, War On the Saints, page. 153


“But another man had the same impulse, and fell down groaning and roaring, beating the floor with his hands and feet, and the demon entered into him as the angel of light, and got him to think that his conduct was of the Holy Ghost, and it became a regular habit in the meetings he attended. . .” War on the Saints pg. 150


“Nothing supernatural should be felt by the senses, but by the spirit. . .Counterfeits of today are generally wrought upon the soulish – or sense life – of believers who have not learnt to distinguish between soul and spirit.” Jessie Penn Lewis, The Spiritual Warfare, pgs. 16-17

Posted in Apostasy, Brownsville Assembly of God, Deception, Dudley Revival, Eastern Religions, Florida Outpouring, Heresy, Hinduism, Kundalini, Lakeland Outpouring, Lakeland Revival, New Age, Occult, Pennsacola, Revival, Serpent Power, Todd Bentley, Toronto Revival, Wales Revival | Leave a Comment »

An Ex-Faith Healer Explains the Tricks Used in a Revival

Posted by susanb99 on July 22, 2008

This is an interview on Way Of The Master Radio with Todd Friel interviewing an ex-faith healer, Mark Haville, who, after reading the Bible, realized the unbiblical nature of it. He explains the tricks used to make people think they are healed and how they make people fall over.

(9:55 minutes)

HT: Battle 4 Truth

Posted in Apostasy, Deception, Florida Outpouring, Healing, Heresy, Hinduism, Hypnosis, Kundalini, Lakeland Outpouring, Lakeland Revival, New Age, Occult, Revival, Serpent Power, Todd Bentley | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Todd Bentley on ABC’s NIGHTLINE

Posted by susanb99 on July 10, 2008

Bentley on ABC’s NIGHTLINE aired July 9, 2008

Part 1 of 2 (9:22 minutes)

Part 2 of 2 (9:14 minutes)

Thousands Flock to Revival in Search of Miracles

Copyright © 2008 ABCNews Internet Ventures

Posted in Apostasy, Deception, Florida Outpouring, Healing, Heresy, Hypnosis, Kundalini, Lakeland Outpouring, Lakeland Revival, Media, Occult, Revival, Serpent Power, Todd Bentley | Leave a Comment »

The Dark Agenda Behind the Florida Outpouring

Posted by susanb99 on June 26, 2008

From Deception Bytes:

The Florida outpouring that is racing around the globe at an unprecedented speed has an agenda. An agenda that is well hidden behind Christian sounding words and phrases to quell the fears of suspicions and discerning sheep. It is a dark agenda that has been planned for eternity and implemented with military precision. A plan to open you up to hidden wisdom, mystical experiences and spirit guides in preparation for the coming “paradigm shift.” It is a plan to raise up a New Breed who will discard the old and arise to violently lay hold of the New Order Kingdom in which the church will rule and reign over the earth. It sounds good doesn’t it? I mean it sounds plausible, why, it even sounds Christian. However, this teaching, thinly veiled in Christian terms, is identical in every way to what the occultists, Gnostics, New Agers and esoteric religions teach. However, just as we wrap a nasty pill in bacon to feed a dog his medicine, this teaching has been wrapped in something particularly tasty to make it easier to swallow.

In order to gain a deeper understanding of these heretical teachings we need to take a closer look. Bentley, as you may or may not know, is closely associated with the disgraced Kansas City Prophets Paul Cain and Bob Jones.
Paul Cain, a self professed and unrepentant homosexual and alcoholic, closely adhered to the Latter Rain teachings of heretic William Branham. Branham believed in UFO’s, denied the Trinity, and believed that Eve and the serpent had sex. This is the same Branham who had a spirit guide or ‘angel’, that he claimed performed the healing miracles, and also believed he was Elijah. Particularly alarming is the fact that Bentley now claims that he has been given Branham’s angel. Cain openly declared that Branham was “the greatest prophet in the 20th century”
Bob Jones was publically disgraced after having women disrobe in his office to receive prophetic ministry naked before the Lord. He is today regarded as one of the fathers of the Prophetic Movement and one of the main disseminators of the Joel’s Army, Kingdom Now, Dominionist, Manifest Sons of God, and New Breed, heresies. This is the same Bob Jones who claimed that prophets only needed to be 66 percent accurate because we had not evolved to the place where we could handle 100 percent truth. He also taught that Kansas City Fellowship was the one true church and that all others were to be assimilated into it. Bentley calls Jones his father in the faith.
So what exactly is this doctrine they are disseminating in these modern day revivals and outpourings? The basic tenant of their teaching is that Adam lost dominion over the earth in the Garden of Eden. They believe that the church’s mandate is to recover it. They eschew the hope of heaven and mock and deride Christians who believe in a literal rapture. Instead, they desire dominion here on earth. They believe it is their right and their inheritance to rule and reign, dominate and subdue. They want to rule the earth and all its inhabitants. They aspire to purge the earth it of its evil and bring everything under submission to their authority. What will happen to those who do not wish to be dominated? Simple- they will die. Of course since they will be ruling and reigning here on earth, there will be no need for rapture. In fact there are some that go so far as to say that it is the wicked that will be raptured. The wicked being those who do not go along with this New Order, this cosmic Christ Consciousness, this evolution into Godhood.
So, who will lead us into the restoration of all things? Certainly not Jesus, no, they teach that it will be the newly restored Five-Fold- Priesthood. According to, “The Five-fold Priesthood is supposed to emerge in the end times to restore the Church to perfection; Apostles, Prophets and Teachers must prepare the way, like John the Baptist, for a new appearance of the Christ. The restoration of the gifts and ministries to the Church is designed to bring it to “fullness”. These authoritarian leaders will judge and purge the Church until it is one undivided Body in the earth. Thus the Restoration churches have adopted a teaching more familiar to us as the Ascended Masters of the New Age, who come to lead us to spiritual transformation.”
These teaching and beliefs are blatantly Gnostic. The term Gnosticism comes from the Greek word gnosis meaning “ultimate knowledge. It is neither religion nor philosophy but rather a collection of knowledge gathered through direct experience with the spirit world. The Gnostics teach that salvation is obtained through knowledge. Gnostics believe that the knowledge necessary for salvation has been revealed through Jesus Christ. They believe He was the pattern son so to speak to lead us into the “Cosmic Christ Consciousness” where we will evolve to become God. Thus our salvation according to the Gnostics is dependent on knowledge and not on the shredding of Christ’s Blood for the remission of our sins. This sounds like the lie of the same serpent who told Eve that her eyes would be open and she would be like God if only she took of the forbidden fruit.
The Gnostics hold that there is a spark of knowledge that resides in an elite few. It is no coincidence that the Florida Outpouring was touched off in a church called Ignite. Liberation of this spark they believe only comes through knowledge of the divine. Salvation thus comes through liberation of the spark from the body. Essentially the modern Gnostic seeks “Cosmic Salvation” through the liberation of this spark. Only when these sparks have been liberated can the world evolve to Godhood. Essentially, the modern Gnostic is looking to perfect the world. They believe that they will literally co-create the conditions necessary for the second coming which they believe will not be a literal coming but will be the full advent of the “Christ Consciousness” on earth. They do not need to look for a literal Christ since they believe they are Christ. Those who are unwilling to “evolve” (which of course would be all true blood bought Christians) will be purged from the earth.

This is identical to what the New Agers proclaim. “All who wish to enter the New Age ‘on the physical plane must undergo an ‘energy activation’ or ‘rebirth’ – usually marked by a subjective trance-induced ‘light experience’ where one meets either a ‘spirit guide’ or one’s ‘higher self’. This ‘altered state of consciousness’ will eventually lead to a ‘Luciferic initiation’ into the ‘new humanity’, or a vow of allegiance to Lucifer as god. Those who cannot or will not (not sufficiently developed in their spiritual journey) will be sent on to their next life in a global cleansing action’ (Alice Bailey, ‘The Rays and the Initiations’ pp.754-755).

The thing that alarms me most is not that the Gnostics, New Agers, and occultics are speaking heretical mistruths. Indeed we expect them to. The alarming thing is that these mistruths have leached into the soil of the Charismatic movement and spread their poisonous vines into mainline denominations. They are now being shed abroad by these so called revivals and outpourings which further propel their aggressive agenda. Is this a conspiracy theory? No indeed, it is a conspiracy fact! These self styled prophets and apostles are tightly networked and highly organized. They prophesy and declare things and then they work behind the scenes to bring these things to pass. One will prophesy and the others back it up. One will lie and the others swear to it. It is amazing to me that because of their efforts, what was once thought of as heretical and highly blasphemous is now accepted as fact.
Perhaps no man has done more to further the cause of gnosticm and new age philosophy in the church than Rick Joyner. His beliefs are carbon copies of those propagated by the Gnostics, occultists and the New Age Movement. In his book Civil War in the Church, Joyner claims that a war is coming between the grays (who he terms conservative legalists) and the Blues (those holding to the New Knowledge, or New Order). These “Grays” according to Joyner must accept the “New Christianity” or be removed from the earth. Indeed we Grays may pay with our lives for our adherence to Biblical principals and awake to find that those who have betrayed us were the very ones we deemed most spiritual.
Joyner admonishes us to throw off the bonds of slavery to the “old” revelations and embrace the “new” revelations or progressive revelations of the “Latter Rain”. He teaches against the literal second coming and labels those who believe in the rapture as having escapist mentalities. In its place we are to look for the rising of a victorious church that will put all enemies under her feet. This teaching sees Christ invisibly manifest in his ruling and reigning church. The emphasis is no longer Christ but the church and its new self-styled governing apostles and prophets.
The purpose of the revival is to prepare those who will accept it to go on to their final stage of development which will be the merging of God and man. Its purpose is to openly introduce Christians to esoteric teachings and draw them away from the true Christ. According to the New Agers, “Charismatic congregations in main-line churches are entry points into the Aquarian frontier.” The Unfinished Animal: The Aquarian Frontier and the Evolution of Consciousness. Alice Bailey, mother of the modern New Age Movement, claimed that agents would infiltrate the Christian Church to modify its message, while adapting it as a vehicle for the Universal Religion of the 21st Century.
Remember there is only one world church in the Bible and it is not Gods.The Kingdom of God will not be set up by men but will be set up by Jesus himself at the time of his literal coming. The only way to counteract these heretical teachings is through adherence to sound Biblical Doctrine.
In 2nd Corinthians verse 11 Paul was concerned for believers because, as Eve had believed the lies of the serpent, they were believing the lies of the false teachers who were leading them away from devotion to Christ. Jesus clearly stated that the end days would be characterized by deception marked by lying signs and wonders. Clearly we are being enticed away to another gospel and another Christ. Our choice is whether we will embrace the Truth or swallow the bacon-wrapped lie.
Luke 11:35 Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.

Posted in Apostasy, Bob Jones, Brownsville Assembly of God, C. Peter Wagner, Chuck Pierce, Deception, Dudley Revival, Florida Outpouring, Heresy, Hypnosis, Kundalini, Lakeland Outpouring, Lakeland Revival, Occult, Pennsacola, Revival, Serpent Power, Todd Bentley, Toronto Revival | Tagged: | Leave a Comment »

Fake ‘Child Faith Healers’: Passing the Occult Mantle to the Children

Posted by susanb99 on May 8, 2008

Fake ‘Child Faith Healers’:
Passing the Occult Mantle to the Children

by Susan Bertalotto
May 2008

In this article Targeting The Children, I wrote about Todd Bentley, Bob Jones, and Patricia King encouraging children to experience occult phenomenon, teaching them to go up to the “third heaven”.

During the current Lakeland Healing Revival, Bentley is planning to teach children to “heal” people. How exactly is that done? Bentley talks about it 3:33 minutes into this video:

MOTHER: You remember yesterday, this little guy came up [indicating one of her sons] for the cyst that was the size of a quarter that had shrunk down, and while he was on the floor, you [Bentley] prayed ‘Lord, use him!’. Well, my husband is absolutely 100% deaf in his left ear….This little guy got that gift of faith imparted into him. His dad is working in Virgina and couldn’t be here. My son said ‘Put the phone up to your deaf ear!’


BENTLEY: And I said the Lord was going to use him in miracles!? And he started his miracle ministry!? And his deaf father… got healed!


BENTLEY: The CHILDREN!! The healing revival’s going to be on the CHILDREN!!


4:36 minutes:
BENTLEY: And who’s this little girl?

MOTHER: That’s my daughter. She just wants more of the anointing! (laughter)

BENTLEY (to girl): Come here, sweetie. How old are you?

GIRL: Nine.

BENTLEY: You want the anointing because your mother got it.

GIRL: Uh huh.

BENTLEY: What do you want to do with the anointing?

GIRL: Um, heal people.


BENTLEY (to boy who prayed for father): So did you feel anything after I prayed for you, young man?

BOY: Uh huh.

BENTLEY: What did you feel?

BOY: Like fire.

BENTLEY: You’re 10…. Now you want to pray for the sick?.. Your dad got healed of a deaf ear!

BOY: Yes!

BENTLEY: The surgeons told him he would never hear!… It’s impossible! What else can God do?

BOY: He can heal people in wheelchairs.

BENTLEY: Are you going to pray for the sick?

BOY: Uh huh.

BENTLEY: My God! He’s going to pray for the sick! Anoint him with fire!

7:10 minutes:
BENTLEY: I’m telling you! How many of you have children? How many of you have grandchildren? [show of hands] How many of you know somebody that needs to have their children anointed? How about young people? Tomorrow night, this weekend! It’s going to be powerful!

8:36 minutes:
BENTLEY: And you know what? The greatest miracles are happening to the children! People are being healed in the atmosphere! I didn’t pray for that man in the wheelchair! Have you seen me lay hands on any people tonight? My job is getting the Holy Ghost and speak what I see, and God’s moving sovereignly in mighty power. healing people over the TV and the internet, and using ordinary men and women. He’s going to use you! This anointing is for the Body of Christ!


Bentley “imparted” the gift of faith to the boy, and now he is a faith-healer. The girl wants to imitate her mommy so Bentley believes she will heal people too. What a circus! What apostasy! Where is Jesus Christ in this sham!?

Jesus requires that we are regenerated by the Spirit of God before we can preach the Gospel or heal people, and all is done through the power of God, not through our (or our children’s) wanting to be part of a “movement”, “something big”, a “great move of God”, or “I want to be like mommy”. These children may or may not know God through Jesus Christ, but it is obvious that Bentley does not care one way or the other. All he wants is brainwashed people and their children in order to build up his Healing Army. All glory goes to Todd Bentley and his fallen angels.

This fake anointing, this occult anointing, this spirit is not of God.

Related Articles:
Todd Bentley the Highly Inaccurate “Prophet”

Posted in Apostasy, Children, Deception, Florida Outpouring, Healing, Heresy, Hypnosis, Kundalini, Lakeland Outpouring, Lakeland Revival, Occult, Revival, Serpent Power, Third Heaven, Todd Bentley, Youth | Leave a Comment »